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Astro Error Pages

Astro Error Pages

Astro Error Pages is a simple yet effective middleware for your Astro SSR (Server-Side Rendered) applications. It provides you with a way to intercept server responses, analyze status codes, and redirect to custom error pages when necessary. This functionality enables a more user-friendly error handling and overall smoother user experience.


You can install Astro Error Pages via npm with the following command:

npm install astro-error-pages


You’ll need astro version 2.4 or higher to have middleware enabled.

If you are not already using middleware you need to add the following to your astro.config.mjs:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'

export default defineConfig({
  experimental: {
    middleware: true
  output: 'server'

In your Astro project create a file src/middleware.ts if you don’t have one already. Then add the following code:

import {sequence} from "astro/middleware"
import {astroErrorPages} from "error-pages"

export const onRequest = sequence(astroErrorPages())

Basic Usage

By default, the custom error pages live in your /pages/error-pages directory. You can change this by passing a config object to the middleware. See the Configuration section for more information on how you can configure the middleware.

If a server response with a status code of 400 or above is encountered, the user will be redirected to the corresponding error page. So a 404 response will redirect to /error-pages/404, a 500 response will redirect to /error-pages/500, etc.

You can customize these pages however you want.